Thursday, August 04, 2005

A brief hiatus - - - -

---seemed in order. Mrs. Dweet's medical condition ended up occupying most of his time the past three weeks, and the result has been practically zilch in the "land of blog". Thanks to those who've been so kind over this period. Dweet has appreciated it more than mere words convey.

Since two of the Monterey Bay volunteer events Dweet pretends to be involved with run later this month, he will be away even longer. But by Labor Day things should be back closer to 'normal'. Yeah, like that's gonna happen!



Bill said...

A Brief hiatus from the land of Blog is understandable. While you may consider us liberals "infected with a mental disorder which causes the brain to rot out and the mouth to become overloaded from the intestinal tract," I have noticed with the ocassional right of centre blast you do think before you write. I sincerely hope your wife is feeling better.

stc said...

God bless you both.

stc said...

btw, totally off topic —

I see you've identified the English Standard Version of the Bible as one of your favourite books. I don't know many people who are familiar with this translation, but you're right — it's a good one.

And Eats Shoots and Leaves, too! Next you'll be telling me you're a Bill Bryson fan!

49erDweet said...

So you're telling me I have to look into Bill Bryson and his writings. You guys are never satified!

Seriously, Q, I will. (You may be interested in viewing http// to see what I've been up to these past two weeks).

Even I have dirty little secrets.

49erDweet said...

And thank you, Bill, for your kind thoughts - and for your sense of humor, too. You are extremely gracious. Bless you.

stc said...

I had a little trouble with the link, but eventually I worked it out: link.

I take it you are the busmaster?